Promo Code + vacation babble

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Ahh…i’m back to it today.  I had a wonderful vacation and feel so rejuventated.  I slept ALOT on the ship.  Mike and I both.  We have been so stress and worried about where we will live etc…that it took a toll on us.


I did notice I didn’t have many stomach issues on the ship.  Here are a few things it could be related too:

  1. no whey powder
  2. my water at home
  3. no broccoli
  4. no egg whites although I did eat eggs
  5. not as much protein
  6. no stress

So who knows?  Mike also said I didn’t snore or pass bad gas 😉 


There is always so much to do on the ship.  I got a CD of a hypnotist that was on the ship and it’s about self confidence.  He had other too, one being weightloss.  Typically that would be the one I got but I KNOW how to get where I want to be.  I just need to DO it.  Self confidence on the other hand is something i’m NOT good at.


I’ve been checking up on all the blogs i’ve missed out on.  One that really struck a cord with me was THIS post.  Lisa I can totally relate especially right now with my post cruise bloat.


I haven’t got on the scale.  My tape measure is packed and this is probably for the best.  I have this BRILLIANT idea but I know myself and i’m sure it won’t work.  I am going to workout and eat right like i’m suppose to.  Then when I feel good about myself i’ll weigh and see where i’m at.  If it’s 125 I should be happy, if it’s 115 I will be happy.  I know weight is only a number and I really wish I could figure a way out not to let it ruin me.


Anything exciting happen to you last week while I was away?  Let me know!

I need to upload my pictures.  I didn’t take very many.  We’ve been on this ship twice before so it was nothing new for us 🙂


  1. Marthab

    Really interesting…I noticed a couple of weeks ago I was using more (hadn’t been using any) protein powder, my stomach was a wreck and the gas was ridiculous.

    Might be the culprit…

    Glad you had a great time on your cruise. I hope to go again someday soon!


  2. No broccoli?? The horror!! I missed you! Glad your home 🙂

  3. Im so glad the cruise was a stress reliever for you! You should take some of the things that you did on the cruise and bring it home with you 🙂

  4. Protein powder = Gas. Too bad we can’t pour it in our cars. ha ha! Your cruise looked like a lot of fun.

  5. hey! i cant wait to see a zillion photos from your trip. right? better post them! that is interesting about your tum.. very intriguing! welcome home!

  6. Broccoli AND whey protein make my tummy bloated and gassy…

  7. “Welcome home”.. what a saying when you come back from vacation… but it is what it is.. UGH! 🙂

    Interesting about your stomach. Something to definitely think about or chat with your doc about…

    Can’t wait ot see pics!

  8. Hmm interesting about the stomach issues! I’m glad they went away while you were on vacaaa!
    ❤ jess

  9. MISSED YOU!!! Glad you had a great time.

  10. Welcome back!! I’m glad your tummy cooperated during your vacay! Nice!

    Not much went down for me last week – just chillin with friends and family as per usual! I did make about 8 new recipes, but I know you – none you’d eat!! 🙂

  11. Hi April,
    My naturopath told me to stay away from “whey” to avoid my tummy issues. I use other protein sources in my shakes like hemp or brown rice powders…doesn’t taste half as good or bakes well 😦 but I do feel better without it. Hope you find what helps you feel better!