Like locusts

The pitch in was a success today.  The people came like a swarm of locusts and ate everything.  They all wanted my beer bread recipe 🙂  I was the only one that didn’t touch a drop.  A few years ago this would have bothered me.  Now it’s just normal.  I didn’t want that crap.  They had Tostitos and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want those but i’m on fire!!


I was putting on my pj’s because after I workout and shower at 5p that’s what happens…so anyhow, Mike says “How the heck did you get lean so fast?”  That made me a happy girl!  It could be a number of things.

  1. Getting a job = less stressing and a routine life
  2. Empty stomach cardio again is what my body needs
  3. The training i’m doing right now is awesome!
  4. Liquid days
  5. No more dairy

So the list is long and I can’t pinpoint 1 thing.  I do know that i’m focused and being mentally there is a big key.  Mike sees what I eat, how I train and it’s really no different than what I do when I chub up so who knows.


Killah cardio this morning!

5 mins  5.0
1 min 4.0
Repeat 3 x’s  
1 min 4.0
10 mins 6.0
4 mins 3.5
50:00:00 4.5


Have you ever taken dance lessons?  I took jazz as a kid and aerobic classes..hey that’s dance in my book.


  1. fun cardio! i think i will try it. UM.. i cant dance. not even when i am drunk.

  2. I’d love for someone to ask me that!!! LOL So glad you’re there mentally, girl – that rocks. I took ballet/tap/jazz pre-high school and was on dance line in high school. Since, i’ve taken hip hop jazz flow, jazz and ballet at adult dance classes- so fun!

  3. Goind dairy free was one of the best things I ever did for my body!

  4. Love ballet. It came easy to me b/c I used to be a gymnast. I took classes years ago but am too broke to afford it now 😦

  5. alright, getting lean and mean. I hate locusts, the picture actually scare me.

  6. did it. loved it. thanks!

  7. This is sad, but I won the swing and fox trot championships at my cotillion four years in a row. I blame my partner, he was a mini fred astaire and its all about having a good guy partner.
    And that picture is awful, its scared the crap out of me!


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