Taking a Break

Not from blogging.  From my workout tonight.  I’m going to do Cathe’s Body Max 2 instead!  You know I love step aerobics and I wasn’t looking forward to my scheduled workout so I’m changing it up.  I did 50 mins of cardio this morning.  I tried to sleep in but couldn’t stay in bed.  I’m thinking about giving Zumba a whirl this weekend!  I can’t wait!  I’m starting to reform into a cardio bunny again.  That’s okay.  Building muscle is fine and fun but I like fitting into small shirts and when your lats are getting bigger things don’t fit as well.

Okay…maybe that’s exaggerating.


I got a call from the doctor’s office today.  I had an appt 11/23 and they asked if I wanted to come in tomorrow.  I really hope this new one can fix some of my “issues”.  I have high hopes.


Over the river and through the woods, to grandma’s house we go.  She loves a long car ride.  We actually heard her snoring.


Who’s your favorite Muppet?  I’ve always like Animal.  Maybe cause i’m kind of crazy?  I still have my shoe biters.


  1. I’ve not done BM2 in ages. I used to do the cardio only premix so much that I sort of burnt out on it. It has some killer blasts in that 2nd part though.

  2. That back is steroid nasty – ewwww!!

    Loved the Muppet Show. I always like Beaker. Not sure why LOL!

  3. thats some crazy back muscles. Is that mike? haha, jk!

  4. My back looks like that 😉 J/k!!

  5. Wow that back is kinda nastay. The excessively muscled look is not my fave.

    I miss watching the Muppets! Too many favorites to pick just one character.

    You guys watch all the cool shows 🙂

  6. his back looks like a pumpkin 🙂

    favorite muppet? it would have to be beeker…love him 🙂

    and on the newer muppets i like that little crab guy…i dont know his name…he sounds spanish…LOL!

  7. looked it up….Pepe 🙂

  8. From a person that builds muscle easy & especially my lats, I totally get this!!!!!

    Muppet.. cookie monster of course! I love my treat cookies! 🙂