So Fresh and So Clean

My house is spic and span right now.  I love it!  We had the realtor come over to take measurements and pictures.  So today was spent cleaning like a mad woman.  I started off with an easy workout. 

0-5 3.5

1 min 6.5

2 min 5.0

1 min 7.0

2 min 4.0

repeat until minute 29

29-40 jog at 5.7

40-45 cool down 3.5

I was sweating up a storm afterwards!  Reba and some Regis and Kelly watching made the time fly by.


We went to mom’s tonight for beef stew, brownies and cornbread.  You know what I had?  YUMBLES!  You must try it.  You won’t regret it.  Thanks again Alyson 😀


I’ll try to get some before paint and after paint job pictures posted tomorrow.  It’s a subtle difference but it person in looks SO much better.


Are you team Conan or team Leno?  I have to say Conan is way funnier than Leno.



  1. intheskinny

    I’m with you that Conan is funnier…but either way I can’t manage to stay up late to watch. 🙂

  2. I have no side!! I never watched either shows–too late!
    ❤ jess

  3. I am on team Conan!

    Want to come help organize my!

  4. Alyson

    Conan all the way, no question!

  5. Can’t wait to see the before/after pics. 🙂 Team Conan! Way funnier. 🙂

  6. haha at first i was like wait, you had cornbread, brownies and stew?! i do need to try alyson’s combo. although i ate cottage cheese last night and was turned off from the salty taste. i hate salty anything, i need to find some lower sodium cottage cheese. team letterman! 🙂