House hunting and something to think about

Howdy!  I’ll be house hunting all morning 😀


Why do you want to make this YEAR your best?  Are you trying to slim down for a reunion, wedding, vacation?  Why not make this LIFE your best?  Sometimes changing your thinking is key. 

Lets not make this a great week, great month, great year but a great life!  I’m going to start thinking this way and I know it will work.  To often I think I want to lose 5 lbs for this or that.  Then after that what happens?  It creeps back up.  Well now i’m changing my attitude and I WILL get where I want to be.


New job, new home, new goal for life!


  1. Love your enthusiasm. I agree, make it great all the time!

  2. Leisl

    I’ll be joining you on making this the BEST year yet Ms April. Am finally feeling in control of my destiny (after ridding the negative controlling toxic people in my life) so there is no other choice but for me to have the right attitude and with that, my body and mind are following. Bring on an awesome European trip in September followed by my aim for the stage in 2011 !!

    Keep up the enthusiasm xo

  3. great pep talk 🙂 good luck with the hunt!