What will you look like?



I also did one as a drug addict and actually liked that one better..hmmm….j/k. 



I have hopes that i’ll age well like mom.  She also smoked for half her life, frequents the tanning bed and doesn’t have the best eating habits. 

What’s dad doing?  Having a blast on his first real vacation ever!  His first time flying at the age of 58.  He loves Seafood and I think he’s enjoying that. 


We’ve been keeping in contact via Facebook.  He doesn’t have it but his friends do 🙂


  1. I am 52 so not sure I want to do that in 20 years thing! I have enough probs being 52!!! 🙂

  2. I want to try that! It’s crazy to think what I will look like in 20 years. You look like your lovely mama!

  3. Oh can’t wait to try that website out! And what gives, that’s how my friends my mom is (smokes, tan, eats crap) and looks amazing! I want good genes.

  4. You will be hot in 20 years because you have one good looking mama!

  5. I am a firm believer that how we live our lives has a HUGE affect on how we look, how we age. I had people tell me for years and years not to tan and I’ve been tanning for 20+ years, and guess what, at 41 I look better than when I was 21- both in face and certainly getting there in body!! When you are happy, you live your life right and are surrounded by good friends…it shows. I really believe that.
    Hope we get to hang next weekend girl!

  6. Love your blog posts! I replied to your comment on my blog, but not sure if you get those emailed to you! I don’t know how to add in the info at the bottom – the option for follow up comments!

  7. Everyone says I’m a spitting image of my dad so I already know what I’ll look like in 20 years. Pretty much same as now but grayer 🙂