Do you live in an active city?

This place is really made for Mike, Boomer and I. 

  • bike trails
  • walking and running paths
  • nice parks
  • lakes
  • trees 🙂
  • restaurants that don’t serve lard on a plate

It’s so different than 45 miles south of us.  How odd that the change is so big.


Tip of the day:  Have your treadmill downstairs and your weights upstairs.  Do intervals on the treadmill in between each set.  WOW!  I had to do that in my workout today.  Running up the steps was a bonus!


Check out THIS site!  B in the game.  If you are active it’s got alot of information.  There are also tabs for animals lover, pregnant people, and a shoe blog…now I got your attention.


What is your favorite leisure activity?  I would say my Boomer walks although we pass some joggers.


  1. Becca

    One of my fav things to do is my Petey walks too!!
    And our town sounds like yours, with the pretty trails and lakes and stuff. Traveling south we see what you’re talkinga bout. Big diff between southern and norther IN. LOL

    So you’re closer to me now! 🙂 YAY

  2. test

    • testing

  3. Yup! I think DC was listed number 1 or at least in the top cities! Woo-hoo!

  4. The place I live in at Virginia is a pretty active place, with lots of parks and trails. but my school in LA? Eh, not so much. And I thought LA was a health-obsessed city!

    What is boomer walks? 🙂

    • That’s where my dog walks me 🙂

  5. Is golfing leisure? 🙂 I think our community is just average activity wise.