Ahhh…much better

I had energy today!!  I took Boomer for a 45 minute walk/run to the reservoir.  It was a good sweaty one.  I’ll spare you a picture of me all sweaty 😉  Here is Boomer, she was one tired pup.

I found a place for her to get a drink and she actually walked in the water up to her ankles for a little bit.  Okay, do dogs have ankles?  You know what I mean 😉


I felt so good when I got home.  I never walk/run outside but when I do it’s the best workout.  I need to remember that!  When I got back I did a full upper body workout.  Since my back workout was weak Friday and yesterday I did nothing I felt my muscles needed something.  I took a look at my leg workout for tomorrow and HOLY BALLS I am not going to be able to walk Wednesday.  I’m debating on not doing cardio in the morning to let my legs prepare for it.

Mike and I also went and played frisbee golf.  We tried a different course and I didn’t like it as much.  I didn’t have to run as far to get my frisbees.  The last time it took us 1 hour and this time it took us 35 mins.  I did burn 213 cals avg 130 HR and max 161 😀  I told him I wanted to play at the other one from now on.  It’s also by the kick azz Signature Kroger.


Okay, that’s it.  I just wanted you to know i’m feeling better and i’m ready to kick butt this week!  I told Angela, I can either cry about it or do something about it.


Would you rather be good looking or rich?  Rich, please!


  1. Honestly, I’d probably say goodlooking! I must be vain ;).

    BUUUT at the same time–looks only get you so far and looks also fade.

  2. If you were rich, couldn’t you make yourself good looking? haha

    love frisbee golf!!

  3. Not trying to be vain, but I’d rather be good-looking than rich. Most of all, though, I just want to be happy and that’s something that money can buy and looks can’t provide!

  4. Glad you’re feeling better – outdoor workouts are always the best in my opinion.

  5. glad your feeling beter!!!! hope your tummy truobles smooth out for good soon so you can feel “normal” in your own jeans again!!!