Flaunt it Friday!

I love my little nose!

Mike says it reminds him of a rabbits.


Come on, flaunt something about yourself 🙂


  1. Thats a good thing to have! I like my lips, so imagine me puckering up to you for pic. haha.

  2. Your nose is very cute 😀

    I love my thighs – big and strong!

  3. My eyes. They’re really big, really brown.

  4. Margarita

    You do have a cute nose! I am jealous! 😉

    I love my eyes… and do believe they are my best feature. Funny because when growing up, I hated my eyes cuz they were HUGE. I grew in to them though. 🙂

  5. I want that nose!!!

    I like my arms!

  6. so cute!! 🙂 i love my eyes. I have blue eyes and dark skin and hair and I got my bbaby blues from my grandmother who is no longer with us, so everytime someone comments on my eyes, I think of her 🙂

    • I’ve noticed that about you. That will POP on stage!!!

  7. I agree, cute nose! My nose is not something I would post. 🙂 Lucky you.

    Going to be making that protein pudding soon! Looks yummy!

  8. such a cute and dainty nose! i love my post!

  9. thecookiemonster

    HAHAHA! I love your nose! Too cute 😛