family crisis

boomer’s hind leg…she had 2 have it stitched up….not sure what happened? no workout 2night.


  1. poor Boomer 😦

  2. oh no 😦 Give em lots of love from me!

  3. Owie! Lots of treats and hugs for Boomer tonight!

  4. Oh no! I’m so sorry. Dear old Boomer. Hope she’s being pampered right now!

  5. Oh poor Boomer! Hope she heals quickly! I know how it is to have your furbaby hurt or ill.

  6. OMG! Booms!
    Well, make sure you keep us posted and hopefully you can figure out what happened. Maybe she got snagged by some fencing or something??
    HUGS TO BOOMER and you!

  7. Oh no! I’m so sorry. I hope she is alright. Sounds like we were both dealing with crises last night. Hopefully Boomer is feeling better already. I know she is your baby.

  8. EEP! get well soon, boomer!

  9. poor little girl 😦

  10. So everything is ok now?

  11. poor boomer! Cyber nuzzles sent your way!

  12. Get better soon Boomer – I’m sure you’ll get all the love you need!