Holy Moly where has this gadget been?

Dining chairs, deep freezers, comforters, you name it and CSNStores.com has  it.  I did a little online shopping last week.  Here’s what I got:

A roasting pan

A broiler pan

An egg boiler

Rachael Ray spoonulas(intransit)

This egg boiler is AWESOME!!!!  I made Mike egg salad this weekend.  You all know redhead + peeling eggs doesn’t mix.  I have NO patience for that and have in fact flung eggs across the room before.  So I tested it out and the shells come off like a prom dress.  I was so happy.  Hard boiled eggs make the easiest snacks.


Are you a good egg boiler and peeler?  I am now!


  1. oh I am totally getting the egg boiler today!!!

  2. Oh, that egg boiler sounds perfect. I’m sure my day is coming when I throw the egg across the room, too! 😉

  3. Oh, cool! I am totally checking that out.

  4. bought it.

  5. I love CSN too and you should try out HSN!

  6. Hey stranger:) Like the new blog!


  1. random to the max. « meals & moves
  2. EXTREME « The Weigh I Am