Got sweat?

I’m a sweaty beast.  I don’t glisten I sweat.  I get it from my dad. Remember my after workout pictures?

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Insert Bondiband:

I will say that I did not have one sting of sweat drip in my eye!

Now if they could only manufacture a BondiBODYband i’d be set 😉

People often ask,“I love my Bondi Band, but how do I wear it?”

The answer is, there is no proper way to wear a Bondi Band. Some people wear them rolled, others fold them in half, but most wear them wide open. Try different styles for yourself and see what you like the best.

Traditional Method:

1. Put headband on and pull out hair from back

2. Pull up from top of fabric, until above eyebrows and over ears

3. Fold back of headband under, and leave the front FLAT

4. Relax and look cool caring for your Bondi Band

Hand Wash and Hang Dry

All of our products are proudly Made In Maine!


Follow them on Facebook or Twitter!  Thanks Rebecca!!!


  1. Gosh your too cute!!! I don’t look too pretty when I sweat.. I’m jealous!

  2. Becca


  3. You are just SMOKIN HAWT babe!! ;-)~

  4. i need one of those in my life!

  5. I can’t keep up with all your posts!!! 🙂

    Love the pics! You are brave!!!!

  6. hehe you’re so cute – and yes, brave – loves it!!

  7. I’ve been toying with the idea of the Bondi Band but they have too many cute ones I want to buy and fear I will spend my rent on them!

  8. oh that rainbow bright headband has my name ALL over it! love it! CUTE!

  9. I wish I could sweat more. I don’t sweat much, it’s in my genes, too. But there really is nothing like a good sweaty workout.

  10. hayleycepeda

    I agree with the others – you still look cute all sweaty! I HAVE to get one of those bondiband thingies! I’ve tried regular headbands, but they always end up slipping off my head. I have a little peanut head…hehehe

  11. hayleycepeda

    I agree with the others – you still look cute all sweaty! I HAVE to get one of those bondiband thingies! I’ve tried regular headbands, but they always end up slipping off my head. I have a little peanut head…hehehe