Foot rubs and roses

I made it through my first day of work!  It is SO much better than what I was doing last week.  This place is SUPER fast paced, clean, air conditioned and I can wear yoga pants if I want!  The people weren’t as nice but they’ll get over it.  That or they are too busy for conversation.  Okay, deep down i’m sure it’s because I walked off the street and got my position and they have been there forever.  Again, they’ll get over it.


I came home to a clean house and these:

Then he gave me a foot rub.  He said he’s really proud of me.  I worked HARD to get this job and never gave up.  I’ve said before i’m not a competitive person but when I want something I get it!


This place has bible study luncheons on Thursday and scriptures up on the walls.  It’s really neat and I feel I need this in my life.  I’m not a holy roller but I am a Christian and used to go to church alot.  I haven’t been for at least 12 years so maybe this is a hint that I should start again 😉  After all i’m very lucky to be alive.


Now i’m off to chill on the couch.  We’ll be watching Ateam reruns.  You know, back in the 80’s when girls didn’t have fake boobs and still had chubby faces.  I also love the winged out hair.  Ahh..the days of Aqua Net.

Are there any old shows that you used to watch and love to watch over and over?  I never get sick of Reba.  I know that’s not super old or anything. 


My trainer called me today and it’s just what I needed.  I’ve been in a rut and not in a good way.  I think most of it had to do with worrying about getting a job in time before my unemployment ran out, which would have been IN 2 WEEKS!!!  So now i’m super pumped and possibly thinking about another KY Muscle show in November 😀  My mind is a yo yo with these competitions.  Sometimes I think they are a bad idea and other times I get super excited!  I’m mainly excited for a meetup with Angela!


  1. Liz

    I’m so glad your first day went well! Yay for getting to wear yoga pants to work too!

  2. What gorgeous flowers – lucky lucky girl!

  3. Congrats on your first day! Yoga pants as work wear! I could go for that!!!!

    I have gotten into Hot in Cleveland which is like the old time sitcoms.. So cute!!! Betty White is amazing!

  4. I still like to watch MASH and Cheers.

    Sounds like a great place to work.

  5. COngrats!! what a sweet husband. I never get sick of friends or seinfield. 😉

  6. I want footrubs and roses….and to be able to wear yoga pants to work!

    Weird, I was walking my dog this morning and noticed a church two blocks from my place. I pray every night but am not religious at all but feel like I need to go. Now I’m having flashbacks of “Fools Rush In” there are signs everywhere….

  7. Yoga pants to work? YESSS.
    ❤ jess

  8. Congrats on the new job! So happy it all worked out for you.

    Big hair – ahhh yes – the 80’s were great for me. Can’t think of any TV shows I absolutely love to watch over and over but I love the movie “Working Girl” with Melanie Griffith (speaking of big hair and new jobs)!

    Mike gets a major gold star for the roses and foot rub.

  9. Yay! What a positive post – you sound super happy! Yay on the clean house/flowers/job and old TV – haha. I watch lots of old shows – Saved by the Bell, Quantum Leap, the OC. LOL

  10. so glad you liked work this week

    and flowers and rubs? KEEP THAT MAN!

  11. I’m so happy for you! It sounds like this job is really invigorating. And yoga pants to work?!? Totally jealous…

    Old TV shows: I’m embarassed but what the hell: 90210.

  12. Yay you! I live in Yoga pants and since I teach yoga, I’m very happy I get to wear them to work (and I get 15% off at Lululemon and Lucy stores for being an instructor).
    Its always nice to come home to a foot rub, but I would laugh my ass off cause I’m so tickleish!

  13. I am truly so happy for you! I can sense your joy just from reading your post! I hope that life just keeps on getting better for you!!!!
    Your friend,