Who doesn’t like PB and Chocolate?

Thanks you all so much for your replies below about my “butthole search”.  I feel much better knowing some of you went through it and are still alive.  I went to Starbucks today to meet my friend and she had one last year.  She told me all about it and I know I just need to get it over with so I can get on with my life.  She told me I looked tired.  That’s probably true since I have been tossing and turning with freaking stomach grumbles!  I should probably take a blue pill before bedtime.


We had an impromptu showing this afternoon.  Luckily I wasn’t home to take the call.  Mike was and got things cleaned up.  I called him before I left Starbucks.  He asked if I was in a good mood…I ask why?  Then he told me we had a showing.  Luckily it wasn’t a 2 hour window like most of them are.  We drove to the movie rental place and rented Public Enemies.  I’ll let you know how I like it.


Since Kelly O made fun of my dessert the other night I created another version.  How does this look?  April’s protein peanut butter cup 😀

  • 1 scoop chocolate whey
  • 1/8 tsp guar gum(optional)
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • water to make batter
  • plop of PB

Mix it all together and plop the PB in the middle.  Cover with some chocolate mixture and stick in the freezer YUM!  Pour a glass of almond milk because you’ll need to wash it down with something and milk goes great with PB and chocolate 😀

Speaking of PB, somebody takes it a little to serious.  Not naming names but she has

black and white fur.

I cleaned up the yard.  It hadn’t happened in awhile 🙂

I do have peanut butter on my new meal plan.  2 TBSP a day.  Do you believe I haven’t eaten the entire container?  I think knowing I CAN have it and I actually get it more than once is helping. 


My friend Amy and I were suppose to go walking this evening.  I text her and said 4:15?  No response.  Called her..nothing.  I went upstairs and looked at the treadmill and just didn’t want to do it.  I thought about busting out some step aerobics and that didn’t appeal to me either.  Did I mention I have been worn down lately?  So on the love seat I went and conked out.  I guess I needed it.  I woke up and Amy had sent me a text that said sorry man I fell asleep LOL!  We are too much alike it’s scary.


After my laziness I was checking my google reader and watched Alli Mcgee’s blog.  Man, I think my workouts are tough.  Pfffttt….i’m a wuss compared to this chick!  This reminds me of something I was thinking about this afternoon.  It’s another blog topic.


Do you feel bad missing a workout?  I know i’ve probably asked this before but you know i’m feeling guilty now.  I did have a great back workout followed by an awesome cardio session so that should be good enough right?  Plus i’m trying to cut back on cardio so i’ll quit making excuses 😉


  1. Listening to your body is so important yet so hard! You obviously needed the rest…so just enjoy the day off and give yourself permission for it to be 100% normal and 100% okay!! 🙂

  2. LOL I still fear tasting what you made. I shouldn’t though, the few things I’ve made (meaning any healthy recipes with protein powder) I have usually liked but then one of them was some Protein Pudding and it was like solid VOMIT. Maybe at The Arnold we will try some together. If you hold my hand.
    I used to feel really guilty about missing a workout. Now I do but much less because I’m so in the zone and I’m working out so hard and so well, that I know I won’t give up. Before when I was missing workouts, I would get that horrid mindset and “give up” a lot. No more of that baloney! 😉

  3. No cardio April!! I didn’t do any cardio today and I’m actually ok with it. Well, only because I burned 430 calories during my upper body workout.. but still!

    And that choco pb cup looks amazing! Was it frozen when you ate it? I have sensitive teeth 😦

  4. You made me laugh at the part about your dog eating the pb…look at that jar- how funny is that-what a lucky dog indeed! You”ll get your Cardio back in…I wouldn’t worry, I really over did it too on my legs/lower body yesterday and today I couldn’t bare the pain of doing Cardio…rest days are just as important 😉

  5. Showings are such a pain. At least you have the window. Have you ever gotten the call where the realtor and people are in the driveway ‘just driving by’ and want to come in? Guarantee that will come when you are working out or just rolling out of bed – or cooked with garlic LOL!

    It’s okay to miss workouts. Sometimes you just need a break.

  6. i wonder who that furry culprit was?!

    sometimes i feel bad. sometimes i don’t give a shit. i guess it depends on my mood and what i ate?

  7. Oooh! That looks good! and it’s one big pb cup! *drools* nomnomnom. You have been posting some nommy looking treats lately, Ape!

    Sorry I couldn’t help you in your butthole search. I am not very knowledgeable in the dirt star department (LMAO). I wish you all the best, and I hope that the tummy woes are silenced soon!

    Hugs to you!! and hope to see you soon! 😉

  8. that looks interesting and good! super creative! and the last post about the no bake breakfast cookie, just today i reposted my no bake chocolate protein oats. same concept. good stuff. choc for breakfast of course 🙂

  9. I get 4T of NPB (I use Naturally More) per day. Love it! You’re right…just knowing I get it makes it so I don’t go crazy with it!

    I should give my dog the empty PB containers! My doggie is spoiled. I give him ham hocks from the grocery store for a snack. He gets about 3 a week!

    Have a great day!


  10. allimckee

    Hey April! Thanks for the plug! Great blog and keep training hard!!!

    p.s. when I was dieting for my last show, my fav indulgence too was a little bit of Crazy Richard’s Natural Peanut Butter mixed with a little choc protein powder 😉 Great minds!!

  11. I love the look of that protein peanut butter cup. My problem is that I am allergic to dairy so I can’t have whey protein. I’m going to try that peanut butter cup with Better ‘N Butter and Soytein and see if it works. If it does, you’re my hero!! I have been looking for a reasonable evening snack. This looks like something I wouldn’t be able to have more than once a day.

  12. Hmm…My workouts are just runs around the school campus. I DO feel a bit guilty if I miss a run. Because I feel physically crappy, too. Like I’m lazy and unproductive, and I get soooo sleepy all day for some reason.

  13. I think rest days are crucial–enjoy it!!

    Love pb and chocolate!!
    ❤ jess